Understanding Linux Logging

Linux operating system is a popular choice for servers, logging of operating system, application, and base system events becomes crucial when hosting large commercial applications, Linux provides, multiple logging options, to help administrators and application support teams to record and track important events and assess the performance of he system and overall setup. here we will try to understand key logging features as made available by Linux OS

10 Must Have Soft Skills for A Techie

For building a career in tech you definitely need to have strong technical skills, but equally (if not more) soft skills are important deciding factor for your selection in your dream tech job. In order to increase your chances of selection and a successful career, you need to equip your self with these soft skills. Here we look at the top ten soft skills you must posses for a thriving career as a techie.

Default Network Ports for Common Services

Today all computers are interconnected and have to communicate with each other over a network. before passing this information these systems first establish a connection each end of which is a socket, A port is a logical address that is assigned to a specific service on the computer, and along with the IP address, it creates this socket, In this article, we understand more about ports and the common default or well-known ports used by services.